Ashley Alicea

Unity Visual Scripting Samples

Developer Advocacy

To prepare for the official release of Unity Visual Scripting in March 2021, Unity required a set of sample projects demonstrating how the feature could be used to create basic interactivity for games and other editor projects. I created five sample demos in the lead-up to launch that featured both Unity Visual Scripting and its previous incarnation, Bolt Visual Scripting.

Collectively, these demos supported extensive product marketing efforts and have been downloaded by thousands of users. The flagship demo was featured in Unity’s keynote at the 2021 Game Developers Conference, where I also delivered an official GDC session guiding users through the basics of UVS.

Each demo showcased how UVS could be combined with additional editor features to create a variety of interactive experiences. As a cost-effective approach, I repurposed older Unity asset collections into new gameplay examples:

  • GDC Showcase 2021 Demo — Character ability sample demonstrating how UVS can work with Unity’s Input System, Visual Effect Graph, Timeline, Cinemachine, Scriptable Objects, and more.

  • Penny Pixel Endless Runner — A simple 2D game example showing how UVS can handle physics, scoring, UI, and animations.

  • Supernova Space Shooter — 3rd-person space flight demo showcasing how C# scripts can be used effectively with UVS by creating custom nodes, accessing UVS events/variables in code, and reflecting existing C# functions within UVS graphs.

  • Using Bolt with Shaders — Demonstrates how Bolt Visual Scripting works with Unity features like Shader Graph, Materials, and the Input Manager.

  • Bolt Market Demo — Highlights how Bolt Visual Scripting can be used to manage UI / dialogue, audio, animations, Timeline, and much more.